
Articles Posted in Sexual Orientation


Lower court reminds us that LGBT rights remain limited in the Third Circuit, well, except…

Image Credit: A few weeks ago, a Pennsylvania federal judge reluctantly ruled in this case that discrimination based on sexual orientation is not unlawful (or you, could say, permissible) under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Here’s what Judge Gerald McHugh said: This case involves a…


Justice Kavanaugh’s first SCOTUS opinion may speak volumes on how he’ll decide the next big employment case

U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit [Public domain], via Wikimedia CommonsYesterday, Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh delivered the opinion for a unanimous Supreme Court in a case called Henry Schein, Inc. v. Archer & White Sales, Inc.  Although the Court’s decision has nothing to do with employment law —…


Three wins for readers of The Employer Handbook

Image Credit: ( // And it’s only Tuesday! On Thursday at 3 pm ET, I’ll be participating in a free 1-hour webinar with my friends at Wolters Kluwer Legal & Regulatory U.S. This one is a “Roundtable Discussion: Navigating LGBTQ+ Issues in the Workplace.” CLE credit is available. You can register for the event…


16 states have asked the Supreme Court to limit LGBT rights at work. Which 16, you ask?

By Nederlands Instituut voor de Classificatie voor Audiovisueel Materiaal (NICAM) ( [Public domain], via Wikimedia CommonsBy the time you read this, I should be blissfully cruising in the Atlantic outside the range of any cell towers. However, between now (Saturday afternoon) and Monday, I am feverishly punching out 5 blog…


Every state in the Third Circuit now recognizes LGBT rights at work. Third Circuit not so much for now.

Public Domain, Link It’s right there in the statute. Under New Jersey and Delaware state law, you can’t discriminate against an employee based on his or her sexual orientation or gender identity. Now, you won’t find the words “sexual orientation” or “gender identity” anywhere in the Pennsylvania Human Relations Act. But, starting…


Uncertainty in a major transgender-bias SCOTUS case, and an EEOC Commissioner speaks her mind on LGBT rights and religious liberty.

Image Credit: ( Usually, after my kids go to bed is when I write my blog posts for the following day. Last night that didn’t happen. Instead, while putting my two boys to bed, I fell asleep on the spare bed in their room. #Parenting So, I apologize for…


RIP Ann Hopkins

By U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission –, Public Domain, Link Yesterday’s blog post highlighted the blistering dissent of Eleventh Circuit judge Hon. Robin S. Rosenbaum, as she criticized her colleagues for passing on the opportunity to reconsider whether Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 protected employees from discrimination based…


A federal appellate court judge is 😤steamed😤 that her colleagues won’t address gay rights at work

By Eoghanacht [Public domain], from Wikimedia CommonsHere’s a little taste of Hon. Robin S. Rosenbaum giving her colleagues from the Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals a piece of her mind: The issue this case raises—whether Title VII protects gay and lesbian individuals from discrimination because their sexual preferences do not conform to…


SCOTUS sides with baker that refused to bake a cake to celebrate gay marriage. But, it’s not what you think.

By Jeffrey Beall – Own work, CC BY 4.0, Link Most of you have probably heard of the case that went to the Supreme Court involving a Colorado baker who would customize a wedding cake for a same-sex couple because he believed that doing so would violate his religious beliefs.…


Common sense prevails in a big legal victory for gay rights in the workplace

Image Credit: ( It took the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission about 50 years to recognize that Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 protected employees from discrimination based on their sexual orientation. Now, in less than three years since the agency’s groundbreaking decision in 2015, two federal appellate courts have joined…