Are you prepared to address drug- and alcohol-related disabilities and leave issues under the FMLA and ADA? At some time in their lives, millions of Americans have…
Search Results for: alcoholism
Did USC’s alcohol-related firing of its former head football coach violate the law?
…and resisted university efforts to provide him with help. The university made clear in writing that further incidents would result in termination, as it did. What should employers know alcoholism…
Under the ADA, can you fire an alcoholic who doesn’t request treatment?
An alcoholic employee can present a number of tricky legal issues affecting the workplace. Under the Americans with Disabilities Act, there’s a certain dichotomy. That is, alcoholism is…
Court: No need to accommodate employee who shows up drunk on Mike’s Hard Lemonade
…Americans with Disabilities Act. Yes, it’s true. (The opinion; not my script idea, dummies). It doesn’t matter that alcoholism is an ADA disability (it is) or, for that matter,…
A post about David Crosby, alcohol, and the ADA
…the bounty together, after the jump… * * * > Alcoholism is generally a disability. Under the ADA, the term “disability” is broadly defined. What matters is that the…
FACT OR FICTION: You can ban employees from consuming alcohol — even off the clock.
That’s right folks. It’s time for another edition of “Fact or Fiction” a/k/a “Quick Answers to Quick Questions” a/k/a QATQQ f/k/a “I don’t feel like writing a long…
An employee using the “honest belief” doctrine in a bias case? As if!
…was asked on a job application whether he had ever been diagnosed with or treated for alcoholism or drug addiction? He answered no to both and got the job. Except,…
Are Flounder from Animal House and Left Ear from The Italian Job “disabled”?
…limited in any major life activity. Of course, if Mr. Dorfman suffers from alcoholism, or is now morbidly obese, he could be “disabled” if he is otherwise qualified to…