Everything you’ve ever wanted to know about employee opioid and marijuana use in the workplace


Image by Steve Buissinne from Pixabay

Last week, I participated on a panel on which a few of us employment lawyers discussed the pitfalls and best practices for dealing with issues related to employee opioid and marijuana use in the workplace.

Now, did we cover everything that companies want to know about employee opioid and marijuana use in the workplace? Does a bear sh—

Ok, not quite.

However, the roundtable discussion did address several key topics, including:

  • Current federal and state laws that may apply
  • What you need to know about drug testing
  • Employee assistance programs
  • Effective workplace policies and procedures

Shout out to the folks at Wolters Kluwer who invited me to participate on the roundtable, throne included*.

(*not included, just imaginary. There was no actual table either, round or otherwise)

And now they’ve made the one-hour webinar available for free to readers of this blog. Just click here. PLUS, if you’d like to read a special briefing on opioid and marijuana use in the workplace; it is also at this link.

Who loves you?

(Your families do; I just tolerate like you.)


“Doing What’s Right – Not Just What’s Legal”
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