
4 pending bills that could change the NJ employment landscape


One of my favorite reads on NJ employment law is Ogletree Deakins’s New Jersey eAuthority. The June 2012 issue highlights several pieces of legislation now pending in NJ of which employers should take note. I’ve summarized four of them after the jump…

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  1. Severance yes, unemployment compensation no. On May 10, 2012, the NJ Assembly introduced this bill that would disqualify individuals for unemployment benefits due to receipt of certain severance payments. As I blogged earlier this year, PA law already addresses this issue.
  2. Minimum wage going up. On May 24, the NJ Assembly passed this bill to increase the state minimum wage rate to $8.50 per hour, with annual adjustments based on CPI increases. The NJ Senate received this bill on May 31, and it has been referred to the Senate Budget and Appropriations Committee.
  3. New notice requirements under the NJ Family Leave Act. On June 4, the Senate introduced a bill that would require employers and health care providers to disseminate additional information regarding temporary disability leave benefits.
  4. Lilly Ledbetter coming to NJ. June 7, the Senate Committee read, for the second time, this bill that provides that a discriminatory compensation decision or other practice occurs each time compensation is paid pursuant to a discriminatory compensation decision or other practice. Put simply, the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act may be coming to New Jersey.

NJ employers will want to stay abreast of the latest developments concerning all of this pending legislation.