
SURVEY: Are you using social media to find job candidates? If not, you’re in the minority.

The recent uptick in activity on my “fired AND Facebook” Google Alert suggests that individuals with jobs continue to struggle with social media (Exhibit A, B). However, according to a recent survey from the Society of Human Resource Management (SHRM), 65% of surveyed employers found their new hires through social media this past year. LinkedIn was the most popular social networking platform for sourcing job candidates. Indeed, 87% of HR professionals said it was either “very or somewhat important for job seekers to be on LinkedIn.”

But, wait, there’s more…

This infographic aggregates the top four HR tips for job seekers on LinkedIn:

  • Make sure that your profile is updated
  • Keep your public content professional (Dammit!!!)
  • Join relevant groups (The Employer Handbook LinkedIn Group, anyone?)
  • Focus on skills helpful to employers

Notably, only two percent of respondents said that it was “very important” to have a blog. Fortunately, I only need one finger to respond to that HR pro tip.

(Geez, am I sensitive today, or what?)

Fortunately, if you’re not already on board with using social media as a recruiting tool, don’t sweat it. The survey notes that many organizations turn to third-parties to help with online recruiting efforts. (Usually, the ones with fewer employees). Indeed, despite the up-front cost, outsourcing could save you money and time — time you could spend reading this blog for example —  in the long run. However you decide to recruit online, do avoid online hiring practices that could land you in hot water.

Two percent, my sweet patootie. Why, I oughta

Image Credit: By Sofiaperesoa (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0], via Wikimedia Commons