
Hear that? It’s the fat lady singing about the U.S. Department of Labor’s proposed OT rules.

Yesterday, a Texas federal judge killed ’em dead.

Now, I could go on for a few hundred words and re-explain the entire history of the overtime rules. But, it’s five o’clock somewhere and Kate Tornone did all of the heavy lifting already in this article for

So, put down your adult beverage, click, and enjoy your Labor Day weekend.

P.S. – To my reporter friends out there: If you like definite statements (“The Department of Labor is not going to adopt the Obama administration’s final rule.”) and colorful quotes ([T]he ruling is largely “beating a dead horse,” according to Eric B. Meyer, a partner at Dilworth Paxson and author of The Employer Handbook.), there’s more where that came from. So, if you need a reputable articulate intelligent clickbait source for a Pulitzer-worthy employment-law piece, holla at your boy. But, hustle up! Pretty soon I’ll be eyes deep bingeing Season 3 of Narcos. And by “pretty soon,” I mean, ah, nevermind…