
So, why hasn’t that bill banning salary-history questions been signed into law yet?

Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? (Mute your computer at 1:12 and 1:36)

Last month, I wrote here about how about how Philly employers asking salary-history questions to job candidates was poised to go the way of the dodo bird. That is, City Council voted 16-0 to pass this bill. All that remained was Mayor Kenney’s signature. And he was ready to sign that jawn.

But, when the going gets tough, the tough gets going. I hope Dan Packel at Law360 appreciates my Animal House metaphor. I’m let him explain the latest news:

Philadelphia’s mayor will delay signing a measure that would make it illegal for employers to inquire about a potential employee’s salary history in response to a letter purportedly sent to the city by Comcast Corp. that questioned its constitutionality, a spokesman said Tuesday.

“Legal objections to the bill were raised by members of the business community after passage. The Law Department is performing its due diligence by reviewing those objections,” spokesman Mike Dunn said. “The mayor continues to support the legislation, but of course wants to give the Law Department an opportunity to review any issues.”

And, let’s be clear, I’m not likening Comcast to Delta house. The only tie that binds is when Animal House airs on Xfinity.

So what’s next for the bill?

According to Tricia Nadolny at (here), Comcast and other business groups met with Councilman Greenlee, the bill’s sponsor. But, he continues to stand behind the bill. So, now the ball is in Mayor Kenney’s court. And, he has until January 26 to sign or veto the bill. According to Ms. Nadolny, if he does neither, the bill becomes law.

If the bill becomes law it will take effect 120 days later. But, it may face a legal challenge.

Because, nothing is over until we say it’s over.