
For the love of God, bar owners! Train your employees not to liken beer to domestic violence.


I used to say that teachers were the most irresponsible Facebook user group. Now, I’m leaning towards the bar and nightclub industry.

Last month, a worker at a downtown Philadelphia bar displayed a Heineken chalkboard with the message “I like my beer like I like my violence… domestic.” to attract customers.

But, instead of achieving its desired effect, a passerby tweeted the photo to a local news station and a major cluster of a poopstorm ensued, which culminated in the worker losing his job.

Lesson learned.

And then, yesterday, it happened again at a bar in Texas.

Now, as I best as I can tell — anecdotally, mind you — Texans aren’t the brightest bunch (Exhibit A, B, and C). I say this because not only did the bar manager who posted this sign in a Plano, Texas bar not recognize the impact it could have on the bar’s clientele, but according to Sarah Blaskovich in this story in the Dallas Morning News, other restaurant managers allegedly resisted erasing the chalkboard when a customer complained.

Instead, had they taken immediate action, maybe the sign wouldn’t have been shared on Facebook and other social networks hundreds of times.

Lesson learned: Stupid is as stupid does.

PS – The bar manager eventually lost his job and gets to read about his story on this blog.

P.P.S. – I just read that this isn’t the first time that this has happened in a bar in Texas. Moron in Texas, say “what?” However, the previously disgraced bar not only fired the sign author, but also agreed to contribute a percentage of October beer sales to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, in recognition of domestic violence awareness month.

So, there’s that.