Your EEO-1 will now take 3.4 hours longer to complete

J.s.ross [CC BY-SA 4.0], via Wikimedia Commons
What is the EEO-1?
Since 1966, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission has required that employers with one hundred or more employees file with the EEOC the “Employer Information Report EEO-1”.
For a long time, that meant identifying employees by job category, sex, race, and ethnicity. But, then the EEOC decided to change it up. And starting in 2017, employers were going to have to include pay data with the EEO-1. The idea was that collecting this information in the aggregate could identify which industries may have pay disparities based on gender.
Pay data dashed.
But, that new reporting requirement never came to fruition. Instead, about a year and a half ago, I blogged here about the White House Office of Management and Budget nixed the new reporting requirement.
Until yesterday.
Because that’s when a federal court in the District of Columbia decided to lift the stay.
I’d tell you more about it here. Except, I already gave my two cents to Kate Tornone, reporting at HR Dive. So, why don’t you head on over there for the rest of the story….
Spoiler alert: Most of you won’t like the ending.
Well, except for those who appreciate the pleasure of spending extra time collecting and reporting employee pay data with your EEO-1 filing.