That’s what he said: Attorney Tips for Seeking Social Media Discovery

I’m gearing up to host the Employment Law Blog Carnival on Wednesday, so I’m mailing it in today with a quick shout out to Venkat Balasubramani posting over at Eric Goldman’s Technology and Marketing Law Blog.
Admittedly, I have fallen behind on updating you, my loyal readers, on the world of social media and discovery. Mostly, because the most recent jurisprudence has been from outside of the Pennsylvania and everything pales in comparison to this great Commonwealth. Except, most recently, for the Philadelphia Eagles.
Speaking of which, have you heard this one?
At divorce court, a family is eagerly waiting for the judge to grant custody of little Johnny. The judge asks Johnny, “Do you want to live with your dad?” Johnny replies, “No, he beats me!” So, the judge asks, “Johnny, do you want to live with your mommy?” Johnny says, “No, she beats me too!” Exasperated, the judge asks, “Then with whom do you want to live?” To which Johnny replies, “The Philadelphia Eagles. They don’t beat anyone!”
Boy, do I have a tendency to get sidetracked. Anyway, to get my attorney-readers caught up on how to get access to litigant social media pages, check out Venkat’s article here.