
Which of these 32 items on your Thanksgiving Dinner Table reigns supreme?

Traditionally, on the day before Thanksgiving, I release my list of the top Thanksgiving foods. But we’re doing things a little differently this year.

It all began when I heard that Whole Foods retired my favorite Sweet Potato and Marshmallow Casserole, which I dominate each year. Since then, I’ve been chugging maple syrup I haven’t mustered up the resolve to dethrone it from the rankings.

So, instead of me ranking Thanksgiving items this year, I’m turning that responsibility over to you.

I’ve set up this short survey with four categories: (1) Protein; (2) Starch; (3) Veggies; and (4) Desserts/Booze. Each category has eight items. Please pick one item from each category and then tell me your grand champion. I’ll post the results on Friday!

In the meantime, I want you all to know that I’m thankful for each one of you for your reading this blog, your emails, messages, kind words, and the holiday presents that show up in my post office box. Especially the presents, which I assume are tax-deductible anyway and will forever enshrine you in my heart. But, then again, I’m not a tax attorney and my lawyer heart is icy cold and probably stopped beating years ago.

Have a safe, happy, and healthy Thanksgiving.