
Today, at Noon ET, join us for “Antisemitism and the Workplace” on Zoom. It’s free to attend.

There is still time to register to join me, Amy Epstein GluckJonathan Segal, and Gregory Slotnick at Noon ET today to discuss antisemitism and the workplace. Here are some of the more specific topics we intend to cover.

  1. What is (and isn’t) antisemitism?
  2. Regardless of your religion, how employees can act (and be perceived) as an ally to others.
  3. Other ways to respond to antisemitism, both legally and beyond.
  4. My employee got doxxed on social media for doing something antisemitic; now what?
  5. Workplace lessons from college campus, and what doesn’t carry over to the workplace.
  6. Reasonable accommodations, both religious and disability-related.
  7. Steps employers can take to address antisemitism proactively and whether employees expect it.
  8. Balancing proactivity with concerns about being perceived as too pro-Israel, mixing work with politics/religion, or alienating certain protected classes.

If all goes according to plan (spoiler alert: it won’t), we’ll address these topics and more while saving time for some Q&A where you’ll ask hypothetical ones for friends without us providing any legal advice or creating any attorney-client privilege.

We hope to see you at Noon ET today for this important discussion. Click here ( register.