
The Employment Law Blog Carnival: April Showers Edition #ELBC

Three highlights of my weekend:

  1. This sword-balloon fight at dinner on Saturday.
  2. Eagles sign Tim Tebow. Because, what could possibly go wrong by reuniting this with this in Philadelphia?
  3. Catching up on the pilot of the new FX show, The Comedians. I’m all in.

Honorable mention — ok, better than the balloon fight and the Tebow signing, but not quite #3 — was catching up with the latest edition of the Employment Law Blog Carnival, which my friends at CPEhr’s Small Biz HR Blog hosted this month.

I love the #ELBC. Well, I did invent it. But, besides that, it’s a great collection of the latest from employment-law bloggers from around the country. This month’s edition includes posts on FMLA eligibility, a nice recap of Young v. UPS, medical marijuana, and your workplace kitchen. So, be sure to check it out.