
Thank you for your comments on whether “overqualified” is code for age discrimination

By dconvertini (Nashville, Tennessee, USA) [CC BY-SA 2.0 ], via Wikimedia Commons

Greetings from Nashville, Tennessee.

Every once in a while some of my high school friends and I motivate and plan a road trip to coincide with a Philadelphia Eagles road game. This year, we followed the Birds to Nashville for a game against the Tennessee Titans. Fortunately, we didn’t let yesterday’s last-second defeat get in the way of an otherwise wonderful weekend, which was jammed packed with music, fun, and lots of other Philadelphians who apparently had the same idea as us.

So, I apologize for the short blog post today. But, I did want to squeeze in a thank you to everyone who emailed me about Friday’s post, “Is “overqualified” code for age discrimination? I responded to some of you on my flight to Tennessee, and I plan to reply to the rest of you over the next 48 hours.

If you missed the post, you should check it out. And, please do email me. I’d like to hear your take on whether, in your experience, is ‘overqualified’ just another word for age discrimination.

Posted in: Age