
Survey shows that working moms earns less, but are satisfied with their jobs

This according to this survey released yesterday from

Working dads who were the sole breadwinners in their household were four times as likely to earn six figures, while working moms who are the sole breadwinners were nearly twice as likely to earn less than $35,000.

However, money may not be everything. That is, 78% of working moms reported they are happy in their current roles at work, with about 2/3rds of working moms having enjoyed the full amount of maternity leave available to them following childbirth.

[How much paternity leave are the new dads taking? According to the survey, half of working dads (49%) took two weeks of paternity leave or less, 21% took five weeks or more while 22% didn’t take any time off.]

But let’s go back to the $$$, while there may be legitimate business reasons to explain a disparity in pay between men and women, men and women with the same experience and qualifications who perform the same work at the same level should be paid the same amount.

So consider a self-audit to make sure that you’re providing equal pay where appropriate.

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