
Social Media & HR: Policies and Legal Pitfalls in 140 characters

What were you doing yesterday between 3 and 4 PM EST?

Me? I was tweeting with the great people at SHRM’s We Know Next and several other Twitter stars, answering questions and otherwise making insightful snarky comments that sniffed insightful but were generally closer to snarky, on the topic of “Social Media and HR – Policies and Legal Pitfalls.”

If you were part of the dialogue, thank you for participating. (And muchas gracias to SHRM for inviting me to be a part of #NextChat). If you couldn’t make it, click through to see what you missed and to get a crash course in Social Media 101 for HR…

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Here is a wee bit of what you missed…

No, jerks, I don’t also tweet under the alias @shrmlayman. I can kick it.

In addition to the 4 tweets above, we generated another 292 tweets during our 1-hour chat session. Overall, #NextChat reached an audience of nearly 100,000 Twitter users. You can read a full transcript of our discussion here

Hopefully, the transcript is enough to whet your whistle to come down to DC in a few weeks for SHRM’s 2012 Employment Law and Legislative Conference. If you do, be sure to buy me a drink stop in to see me gab at my March 5 session: “Social Media for HR: Practical Guidance from a Generation Y Attorney.” Immediately following is #theafterchat where I join a panel of social-media experts with backgrounds in HR and related professions for an informal discussion about personal perspectives and experiences on how employees can act as effective brand ambassadors and be part of your organization’s social media strategy.