
So, who wants to connect at the SHRM 2015 Annual Conference? #shrm15

Go ahead and grab your bucket lists. I’ll wait…

Meet an employment-law blogger IRL. That’s gotta be page one, above the fold, amirite? Well, if you’re gonna be in Vegas later this month for the SHRM 2015 Annual Conference, and you’re ready to make all of your dreams come true — or just watch me hula for nickels — then we should meet.

And I’m not talking about the bum rush to the front of the room following my 7:00 am session on June 30, “My Employees Can Miss HOW MUCH Work?!? Managing Leave Challenges Under the FMLA and ADA.” Yes, I admit that there’s nothing I like more after presenting for 75 minutes than giving non-legal advice to a throng of hardcore HR professionals, jostling to be the first to ask me about a “hypothetical” FMLA scenario involving “an HR friend” at “another company.”

Better yet, let’s meet up for a pre-session boilermaker for a cup of coffee. Oh heck, we can have a drink — that you buy — and chat.

So, if you stuck with the post to this point, plan to attend SHRM15, haven’t otherwise begun the process of obtaining a restraining order, and want to connect, e-mail me.
