
“Rise before The Employer Handbook; kneel before The Employer Handbook!”

And I say this with the fervor of 100 General Zods, such that Zod himself (especially, the crappy one from Man Of Steel, I’m a Terence Stamp man) would have no choice but to rise and kneel.

But I put down the moonshine funnel digress.

Today, The Employer Handbook celebrates its 3rd birthday. And what did The Employer Handbook get for its 3rd birthday? I mean, in addition to the strawberry edible underwear that one of my readers sent me anonymously. (Next year, go large. Medium, is a bit snug). Well, you guys voted The Employer Handbook ABA Journal’s 2013 Top Labor & Employment Law Blog!

It’s a humbling honor that leaves me nearly speechless. Nearly.

You see, frankly, I started this blog three years ago because I enjoy writing about employment law, and you can only be so snarky in 140 characters on Twitter. And, with the encouragement of some other great employment-law bloggers (and a lot of patience from my wife and family), so began The Employer Handbook.

And lucky for me, y’all slugged through the typos, grammar mistakes, obscure wrestling references, hip-hop, and other assorted nonsense. Ultimately, the readers recognized this site as a pretty decent source of practical labor and employment law news and insight.

(But, not legal advice, check the disclaimer).

For that, in all seriousness, I am grateful. It means a lot to know that you enjoy this site.

So, let’s make a deal. If you keep reading my posts about long-shot FMLA legislation, wacky hostile work environments (24 sniffs?!?), and teachers getting fired over Facebook shenanigans, then I’ll keep publishing.

But, now, if you’ll excuse me, for Monday’s column, I have to finish reading about a recent EEOC settlement involving a company that allegedly forced its employees to scream at ashtrays — desk calendars, sure, but ashtrays? — and practice other forms of Scientology.

You just can’t make this stuff up.