
Join me on Friday, 11/4/22 at Noon ET for our next Zoom Happy Hour: Cybersecurity 101 for HR Professionals and Employment Lawyers

Last year, data breaches exposed 22 billion records, and the average cost of a hacking incident will run your business about $4.35 million. Yet, only half of companies have cybersecurity plans, and even fewer train their employees.

Employers need help. So, where do you even begin?

Let’s start with Cybersecurity 101 for HR Professionals and Employment Lawyers.

I’m fortunate to work with a team of cyber-risk, privacy, and data security attorneys who know how to mitigate the risk of a hacking event and respond to a data breach, where time is of the essence. They’re also chock full of tips to help educate your employees to avoid these problems altogether.

On Friday, November 4, 2022, at Noon ET, I’m assembling the team for the next edition of The Employer Handbook Zoom Office Happy Hour. We’ll provide lots of information that isn’t legal advice and doesn’t create any attorney-client privilege but will be worth your while anyway.

And if you have any hypothetical questions that you’d like them to answer for a friend, go ahead and email them to me.

Sound like fun? Click here ( to register.

We always have a good time, like at last Friday’s happy hour with David Mohl when we discussed Leave Rights and Accommodations in Hybrid and Fully-Remote Workplaces. If you missed it, go to The Employer Handbook YouTube Channel, become one of more than 1,000 subscribers so you’ll never miss another video, and watch the replay.