
On Disney World, pay phone filth, and poop in the pool

Folks, I’m actually on vacation this week. I’m traveling with my family to Disney World.

So, let’s call it a trip.

Still, I planned to kick out a few blog posts. Unfortunately, however, the bulk of my day was spent disinfecting my youngest daughter. And, just as I was resigned to the fact that there aren’t enough baby wipes and soap in the world to remove the stain of a bank of airport pay phones — particularly her “exploration” in the coin return — in a brilliant stroke of “parenting,” I convinced her to swim in the pool at Art of Animation.

Surely, that chlorine would do the trick.

But then, I swear to god, this happened. And it wasn’t a Baby Ruth. Rather, it was two-whistle blast from the teenage lifeguard ordering the immediate evacuation pending an “unexpected pool cleaning.”

Well, given that my brood was about 20 percent of the younger swimmers — ok, some hyperbole there — I questioned whether a Meyer may have committed the cardinal sin that would come back to haunt that child for Thanksgivings and other family get-togethers for years to come. I can be relentless. Let alone this blog post and some good SEO.

Fortunately, the poo-poo in the pool was in the other end.

Still, while I’m no germophobe, I’m not risking three strikes.

So, I’ll be back tomorrow, probably. Until then, just Google “employment law” for a temporary fix and pray for me.