
FMLA for same-sex couples? Possibly. But, a carnival? Definitely!

Senator Richard Durbin [IL-D] has reintroduced the Family and Medical Leave Inclusion Act in the U.S. Senate, while Rep. Carolyn Maloney [D-NY12] has done the same in the U.S. House of Representatives. This bill, which has been taken up in Congress several times previously — most recently in 2011 — would amend the Family and Medical Leave Act to permit leave to care for a same-sex spouse, domestic partner, parent-in-law, adult child, sibling, grandchild, or grandparent who has a serious health condition.

I’d be surprised if the FMLIA becomes law. However, regardless of whether it passes, there is nothing now preventing employers from offering these benefits to their employees.

Did someone say benefits? Well friends, do I have some benefits for you! (See how I did that?)

No, it’s not an update on the Paula Deen discrimination case — trust me, it’s nauseating (after clicking, with a trashcan and breath mint handy, search for the word “eclair) — I’m going to deliver to you the latest edition of the Employment Law Blog Carnival. Where else on the World Wide Web can you find this much great employment-law information in one spot?

(Come on guys, I’m blushing).

Thank you to this month’s host, Donna Ballman, and to all the folks who contributed posts.