
Check out this demand letter that The Doobie Brothers’ lawyer sent to actor Bill Murray!!! đź‘€ Oh, and a free webinar.

In a demand letter sent Wednesday to actor Bill Murray, an attorney for The Doobie Brothers told the actor to stop using his clients’ music in his commercials without paying for it, while condemning Mr. Murray to “eternal damnation” for his Garfield movies.


Yes, I’d be doing each of you a disservice if I didn’t share the entire demand letter.

I even cut my victory lap short — I quoted Seinfeld: “The Yada Yada” in a recent federal court filing — to tip my cap to this Attorney Paterno, the author of the letter.

I suggest that we all pop some popcorn in anticipation of the reply from Mr. Murray’s attorney.

But, while you wait for your salty snack to cool, I suggest that you register for this free webinar that I’m giving on Tuesday, October 6, 2020,  at 2:00 PM EST with my friends at HUB International. We’ll be discussing a slightly more mundane topic: Covid-19 claims and lawsuits. You’ll better understand current litigation against employers as they begin bringing employees back to work in the wake of COVID-19.

I won’t be quoting Jean-Paul Sartre, whatever a Jean-Paul Sartre is, but I promise to be as snarky as I am insightful and handsome.

So, click here to register and have a lovely weekend.