
Can employees use FFCRA leave to get vaccinated? We’ll answer this and more today at Noon ET on Zoom!

Image by torstensimon from Pixabay

Spoiler alert: No. (Well, actually, it depends.)

Certainly not under the Families First Coronavirus Response Act, which sunset on December 31, 2020. Even for covered employers that voluntarily provide FFCRA benefits through March 31, the answer is still no. There’s nothing in the FFCRA that contemplates paid sick leave for healthy employees trying to get vaccinated.


The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 a/k/a the big Biden COVID-19 Stimulus plan does appear to contemplate tax credits for employee vaccinations. But the House hasn’t even voted on it yet. So, it depends, err, TBD.

Speaking of “it depends,” expect some more of that today when my FisherBroyles employment law partner, Gordon Berger, and I answer your hypothetical questions that you’ll no doubt be asking for a friend during today’s edition of The Employer Handbook Zoom Happy Hour today at Noon ET. (We don’t give free legal advice to cheapskates deadbeats our frugal but lovely attendees.)

But don’t let that deter you from registering here and asking questions here.

Otherwise, Gordon and I will carry on like lawyers do, being long-winded about HR-compliance stuff such as new federal employment legislation, what to expect from the Biden DOL, and HR-compliance pros and cons of getting some outsourced HR help.

It’ll be a real hoot!

Hoot, eh? Wow, if this law thing doesn’t work out, I’ve got a second career in marketing, for sure.