
Teacher resigns after male student takes her unlocked phone, shares her nude selfie on social media.

Fortunately for me, my cell phone is locked. And, the most salacious contents are in a Dropbox full of employment-discrimination cases. Yes, I own the dorkiest cell phone ever. Don’t judge.

You can get the skinny on the teacher story from the video above or the AP report from Meg Kinnard. The AP report mentions that the teacher was forced to resign for leaving her students unattended. However, this NY Daily News article from Nicholas Parco indicates that the teacher was “told to step down from her teaching post by Union County school district bosses because she was at fault for keeping her cell phone unlocked.”

Whatever motivated the resignation, stories like this are a reminder for employers to have strong cyber-security policies in place. I encourage you to head over to Jon Hyman’s Ohio Employer’s Law Blog and read his “10 essential cyber security training issues.”

And, while you’re there, be sure to also check out the latest edition of the Employment Law Blog Carnival.